Campbell-Staton Group
Website Design + brand strategy
The Campbell-Staton Group
Dr. Shane Campbell-Staton was looking for a website that truly represented himself as a person and scientist. A site that merged his love for superheroes and graffiti, adventure and discovery, science and scicomm. As Shane explains,
And so we got to really lean into that - with gorgeous imagery and custom artwork that blends Shane’s science and personality seamlessly. And Shane’s site is PACKED with small moments to educate and surprise its visitors: interactive figures, superhero cameos, charismatic megafauna, and much much more. For this project, we went deep into the world of comic book art, graffiti, and Afro-futurism, to build a brand and website that immerse you in the world and science of the Campbell-Staton group. As Shane wrote:
home page
Research Page
the brand
dynamic, adventurous, futuristic
Shane is one of the coolest, smartest, and most engaging people you will ever meet, and it would be a crime to build a brand that wasn’t all of those things and more! The brand for the Campbell-Staton Group is futuristic and adventurous. It is stylish and dynamic. It is as cool and compelling as their research, which is full of mind-bending stories of evolution in the Anthropocene.
custom project logos
One of my favorite parts of this project are the custom project logos that Bailey designed for the site! Each logo pairs with one of the stories featured on the website and really capture the excitement of the brand and research.